What is Cataract Surgery?

Cataract is an eye disease that is common in middle-aged and older people and causes blurred vision because the lens behind the pupil loses its transparency over time.

Just behind the pupil is our natural lens, which gives our eyes 10 dioptres at near and 13 dioptres at distance. Our natural lens begins to become opaque as it loses its transparency with age. A cataract does not affect your vision completely at first. This is because the cataract does not cover the entire crystalline lens. The first signs of a cataract are a dimming of colours and a reduction in the quality of vision.

How does a cataract eye see?
A cataractous eye begins to see as if looking through a foggy glass. As the cataract progresses, it significantly reduces vision and negatively affects the patient’s life. Cataract is a disease that can be diagnosed with a simple eye examination. During the examination, the transparency of the cornea, the structure of the cataract, the position of the lens, the width of the pupil and the condition of the retina are examined in detail before the operation is planned.

  • Duration of Treatment | 20-30 Minutes
  • Hospitalization | Not Required
  • Type of Anaesthetic | Local

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