Gastric Sleeve, also known as laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy or sleeve gastrectomy, restricts the amount of food that the stomach can hold at one time and it is performed by removing a portion of the stomach which is around %85 of the total.
The remaining part is sewn into a tube-like structure and there is no change in the absorption of calories and nutrients in the intestines. The procedure is minimally invasive and closed as it is a laparoscopic surgery in which the smallest incisions are made around your abdomen and a slender tool with a tiny camera and light is inserted into your stomach and everything is shown on a monitor while following the pre-planned surgical steps. So, thanks to this advanced technique with the least scarring.
The idea behind it is that patients feel much fuller after eating much less, and it produces a hormone for a prolonged feeling of fullness and this directly changes your eating habits and lifestyle accordingly.